Splash No. 12

Job Search
It’s job search season. The Klaus Advanced Computing building is teeming with sweaty CS majors in suits waiting for hours to talk to recruiters wearing shorts and t-shirts. LinkedIn keeps sending me jobs that I should apply to. Rejection emails are already starting to appear. Everything is in place.
I finished my portfolio recently, which means that I’ve started applying for internships. On the first day, I applied to five different companies and received a rejection that day. I’m in for a long internship season.
I’ve been half-involved for the workforce for a few years and already have a sense of how odd hiring really is. Of my last three internships, one came from a cold email, one came from a referral and my last one was from a job application that I started and never finished. Before I got my internship for this past summer, I applied to over 200 different companies for Product and UX Design positions. I received five interviews and two job offers.
As I embark on another job search, I’m a little antsy and a little scared. For once, I’m not starting in March or April, and I have nearly eight months to get an internship unlike my usual two. This next internship will likely be my last one, which is terrifying. In an ideal world, I’m able to find work at a fantastic company, try and get a return offer and then I don’t have to worry about another job search a year from now. For that reason, I’m putting a lot of pressure on myself to do well. Despite this, I won’t be going to career fair, partly because I hate wearing a suit, but more because I’ve gotten sick at every career fair I’ve gone to without getting anything out of it.
Wish me luck!
Drops of the Week
where I *drop* recommendations of cool things this week

september 17 - this is the last week of the month, which means I’ve got to share my monthly playlist! I like this one quite a bit, and it has much more trap music than most of my playlists do

Longform Journalism
“Loyalty Nearly Killed my Beehive" by John Knight - interesting read about beekeeping and everything that goes into it

Various Illustrations by Roman Trystram - a series of unrelated illustrations by a designer from Morocco who is much more talented than me.
Thanks so much for reading! If you have any comments/concerns or fan/hate mail for me, you know how to reach me (links below).