Splash No. 57

Hey! I haven’t taken a break in a little bit so I’m taking this week off. I’m cooking up a redesign for Splash and my personal website, so look forward to that next week. Other than that, I’m relaxing on my one week off before I had back to school. Woohoo!
Drops of the Week
where I *drop* recommendations of cool things this week

"Listening for Silence With the Headphones Off” by Mark Richardson- great article that explores silence, as something that has been lost with the availability of headphones and the meaning it holds.

The Defining Decade by Meg Jay- interesting book digging into the psychology of your twenties and the best ways to try and live with intentionality. It wasn’t particularly eye-opening but it was a good reminder about how time can fly if you don’t focus on where you’re headed.

"Big Little Lies Soundtrack”- I just finished Big Little Lieson HBO and really enjoyed the music throughout the series.
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