Splash No. 176 - Fall Break

Fall Break
It’s getting to that time of year when the sun grows wary earlier and earlier, and we start to lose all sense of what time it is. The seasons continue to change, don our sweaters and wool socks, as the trees change their own attire. Among all this change, I wonder if my newsletters need some change, if after all these issues, I’ve started to repeat myself. Or maybe I just need a week off from writing a long, drawn-out piece, as I work on a couple other writing projects. I’ll be back next week, same time, same place.
Drops of the Week
PLAYLIST - "Songs to Fall In Love To" - great mix of electronic music, jazz and r&b
ARTICLE - "Fanfare" by Heather Havrilesky - beautiful piece of storytelling that seems perfect for the moment.
POEM - "Final Autumn" by Annie Finch - tis the season
With each day, we can move closer to a more equitable world. Reminders:
Donate to Help Afghan Refugees Settle in NorCal Mutual Aid Networks
Anti-racism resources
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Also, I'd love to hear your thoughts— you can reply to this email if you loved or hated the letter, or you want to tell me about how your day has been. I'm all ears.