i’ve been here for years & still have those moments of holy shit i live in new york city .. it’s awesome for this to never stop happening, such a little gift we give to ourselves over and over 🤩 welcome here!! loved reading this
I felt all these emotions and thought these thoughts when I moved to nyc during the pandemic, love hearing them from someone else :) Also on #14: new problems means new solutions means new learning -- incredibly powerful.
from someone in sf who is increasingly wondering about moving to nyc, thank you for this: "I’m happy I’m here. I hope it stays this way. And even though it won’t, I want it to stay this way for as long as possible."
welcome to nyc!! looking forward to hearing more about your adventures and experiences here 💖
when people ask me "what do you do in nyc?" I find it almost impossible to answer because there's so MUCH to do here!
i’ve been here for years & still have those moments of holy shit i live in new york city .. it’s awesome for this to never stop happening, such a little gift we give to ourselves over and over 🤩 welcome here!! loved reading this
thank you!
Welcome! Get a library card(s). You can get one for manhattan (NYPL), Brooklyn (BPL) and queens (QPL).
will do! already have my BPL card
The main branch of the NYPL is one of my favorite spaces in the whole city. The Rose Reading Room is iconic.
I love this piece & this newsletter style/format! I'm so thrilled for you!
also radiators are Insane
❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I felt all these emotions and thought these thoughts when I moved to nyc during the pandemic, love hearing them from someone else :) Also on #14: new problems means new solutions means new learning -- incredibly powerful.
from someone in sf who is increasingly wondering about moving to nyc, thank you for this: "I’m happy I’m here. I hope it stays this way. And even though it won’t, I want it to stay this way for as long as possible."
yay for new chapters
you always undercut yourself
no u
Love it! Last week was probably the coldest I have been here too :)
I love this joy & wonder you’re feeling!
all of these are so relatable!!